What we believe at Because International

What we believe at Because International

Because International’s mission is to alleviate poverty by distributing impact products and supporting product-focused entrepreneurs.

Our values are as follows:

  1. We prioritize dignity.
  2. We create change.
  3. We care deeply.

Our mission and these three values communicate why we exist—they let the team and public know who we are and what drives us.

However, if we go one level deeper into the identity of Because International, we arrive at our most important beliefs that reflect our journey as an organization—ideas that will continue to be shaped and refined as our work moves forward. These explore what we most deeply value, which then informs the mission of Because International.

  1. Our mission is to alleviate poverty. We believe that all people struggling with poverty deserve immediate solutions and long-term opportunities to personally solve the problems they face.
  2. Our love for humanity drives us. We are philanthropic (philein "love", anthropos "humankind"). We are humanitarian. We believe that every person has inherent value and deserves equal opportunity to realize their full potential.
  3. We take action. We move forward with courage and conviction while maintaining humility in all we’ve yet to learn. We let the process teach us and see feelings of tension about our work as indicators that we're right where we need to be. 
  4. We avoid paternalism. Dependency can be created when repeatedly doing for others what they're able to do for themselves.
  5. We believe in the power of innovation and entrepreneurship to solve many of the world’s most pressing problems. Entrepreneurs identify important problems and create solutions for those saying "we need this" by voting with their money. However, one tragedy of poverty is that so many lack the financial ability to motivate entrepreneurs to solve their problems. Social entrepreneurship and humanitarian approaches create opportunities for those who may slip through the cracks.
  6. Escaping poverty requires a steady income stream. Jobs uniquely provide a pathway out of poverty, create purpose and promote dignity.
  7. Local leaders, entrepreneurs and job creators bring unique value. Local entrepreneurs understand the culture and nuances of their community’s problems. They inspire others rather than create feelings of dependency on outsiders.
  8. Our beneficiaries are our customers. We listen closely and design for them.
  9. We celebrate our differences while uniting around our common humanity. We value the diversity in our perspectives, experiences, skills, and we are united in our mission.
  10. Poverty is a problem we can solve together. We believe that a small group of committed people can change the world. We work inclusively with a wide range of partners whose missions overlap with our own. 

If any of these core beliefs overlap with your own, we would love to partner with you. Poverty alleviation is no small feat, and we rely heavily on a network of donors and volunteers to make strides in our mission. If you’d like to learn more about the specific strategies we’re taking to alleviate poverty and how it’s measured, view our Theory of Change.

Together, we can make a positive difference in communities around the world impacted by poverty.