The Shoe and jigger treatment in Kenya

The Shoe and jigger treatment in Kenya

The Shoe That Grows protects children from many things, such as soil-transmitted diseases and parasites. In Kenya, Because International has been working to keep more children protected from one parasite in particular–tunga penetrans. 

A child’s foot that has been infested with jiggers


Tunga penetrans, commonly known as a jigger, is a sand flea found across Africa, South and Central America, India and the Caribbean. Because they live in the sand, jigger infestations are most commonly seen on feet–particularly on individuals who don’t have access to shoes.

In communities impacted by poverty, individuals often try to remove jiggers with whatever they can find. Using items like dirty needles can lead to further infection, the spread of HIV, limb amputation and more. Additionally, jigger infestations can lead to social stigmatization and higher school dropout rates. 


In May of 2022, Because International partnered up with Ahadi Kenya Trust (Ahadi), an organization working to eradicate jiggers, to treat and prevent infestations in the community by first treating kids’ feet and then providing them with a pair of The Shoe That Grows. 

Japheth Opondo carries boxes of The Shoe That Grows to distribute

“Dr. Kamau, the director of Ahadi, explained the process before we began,” said Japheth Opondo, Because International’s East Africa distribution partner. “He shared that one time, as he was washing the feet of a kid who had been badly infested, the child’s toe fell off in his hands. It was at this point that I felt so broken–why had he shared this with us right before we started treating the kids? Later on I came to realize that he was just trying to prepare us for reality in case it happened.”

Andrew Kroes, Because International’s president, was also at the event. 

A child’s foot is treated at the event

“After learning about and being only somewhat familiar with the reality of jiggers, it was difficult but encouraging to be a part of the treatment program,” shared Andrew. “Washing and caring for the kids’ feet was humbling. As you can imagine, they were shy at first! But before long they warmed up and were smiling and interacting.”

A few days later, Japheth met with Ahadi volunteers at Githige Primary School and distributed pairs of The Shoe That Grows to the children by going classroom to classroom. In total, 700 pairs were distributed. 

“I asked one of the kids if he liked the shoes,” said Japheth. “He told me that his foot had been affected by jiggers and whenever he puts on closed-toed shoes, it makes his feet uncomfortable. But with The Shoe That Grows, his feet can breathe.”


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