Meet Pendo at Umoja Rubber Factory

Meet Pendo at Umoja Rubber Factory


Meet Pendo

Did you know that we placed our FIRST order for Kenyan made shoes this year? Producing shoes in the communities where they're distributed in order to create jobs and sustainable change is an important part of the future of Because. This Thanksgiving, we're so thankful for each one of you and the part you played in making this possible! ❤️ Meet one of the factory employees—Pendo from Mombasa, Kenya.

Posted by Because International on Thursday, November 28, 2019


Pendo George is a member of the first team to manufacture The Shoe That Grows at the Umoja Rubber Company in Mombasa, Kenya. “I am putting aside money to send myself to college,” she shares.

Pendo lives at home with her mother. Her brother also works at the Umoja Rubber Company. In addition to saving up for college, Pendo says, “this work helps me because I use the money for many things. I am able to use the money to buy food, to pay the mortgage, and also to help my mother.”

But for Pendo, saving up for college will mean further education, more opportunities for work, higher pay and a more secure future. She looks forward to having a family one day and being able to support them.

Because International has recently begun placing shoe orders with the Umoja Rubber Company as part of an initiative to create jobs in places the shoes are frequently distributed. Because International president Andrew Kroes says, “One of the best ways to combat the causes of poverty is through the opportunity to work. A job provides the financial means to address poverty while also providing purpose and dignity. Manufacturing our products in the areas where they’re distributed most helps create these jobs.”

Your support helps create jobs around the world, providing people like Pendo the opportunity to further their education and pursue their passions. Join The Sole to partner with us in creating opportunities for empowerment through local product production.