Lessons from The Shoe That Grows

Lessons from The Shoe That Grows

“As a new entrepreneur, many times I didn’t know if I should quit. There were a lot of things I just couldn’t do on my own.”


Twelve years after Kenton Lee had an experience that prompted the idea for a growing shoe, more than 330,000 pairs have been distributed in over 100 countries. However, when Kenton first began prototyping The Shoe That Grows, he came up against many obstacles. With no experience in the shoe industry or experience in product development, the whole process was new to Kenton.

Creating a prototype for a product—let alone scaling an entire business or organization—can be intimidating for any entrepreneur. There were many trials and tribulations along the way to creating The Shoe That Grows, and an accelerator suited to help Kenton—one that focused on manufactured products—didn’t exist.

Kenton explains, “at certain points I needed mentoring, I needed someone to be a cheerleader for me in a general way, pat me on the back, point me in the right direction. And at certain points, I needed training. I needed to know how to do something specific that I didn’t quite know how to do. And then at a later point, boy, we were ready to go. I had enough mentoring, I had enough training, The Shoe was looking good and we were all set, and we just needed money. We needed money to place an order—that was kind of the missing piece.”


Kenton was able to create a network of people and organizations who could support his process through mentoring and funding, but entrepreneurs living in communities impacted by poverty may not have these same opportunities and resources. That’s where the Because Accelerator comes in.

Modeled after Kenton’s experience of prototyping and manufacturing an innovative product, the Because Accelerator supports early- to middle-stage entrepreneurs in four ways: training, coaching, networking and funding.


The Because Accelerator curriculum uniquely supports entrepreneurs because it is based on real lessons we learned through the process of creating The Shoe That Grows. In week two of the curriculum, entrepreneurs get to peek behind the curtain of design must-haves for The Shoe. The curriculum uses these examples to inspire entrepreneurs to research and develop their own product in a new way.

Farah Brunache, founder of Lagatos and accelerator alumna, reflects, “I have taken comfort in the transparency of the Because Accelerator. This week I reviewed a case study of Kenton and Andrew's early prototypes, and how on one of their trips their prototype didn't work as expected. This has happened to me, and to be frank, I was ashamed. The Because Accelerator has shown me that [trying and failing] is a good thing.”


In line with Kenton’s experience of needing an encouraging mentor, entrepreneurs participate in weekly one-on-one coaching calls with a mentor, an experienced professional who dedicates time to walk alongside an entrepreneur in the journey of scaling their business. 

Andrew Kroes, Because International president, shares, “Entrepreneurship can be isolating, it can be lonely sometimes. It’s a journey of ups and downs, and just having someone that you can bounce ideas off of is helpful. So much of the thinking that we do is out loud—just being able to sit back as a mentor and allow entrepreneurs to talk and work through some of the things that are challenging them allows a form of accountability.”


The story of The Shoe That Grows is one that spans many years, so we know first-hand that “entrepreneurs don’t fail or succeed in ten weeks,” as Emily Allen, director of programs, shares.

That’s why, upon completion of the program, entrepreneurs in the Because Accelerator become part of a growing community that receives updates on opportunities for continuing education, funding and networking. Entrepreneurs also stay connected with their mentor and the larger Advisor Network, to continue receiving varied support to meet the needs of their evolving business.


Funding, at the right time and in the right amount, is critical to the success of start-ups. Manufacturing, prototyping and scaling costs add up quickly, and the financial burden can make a good idea impossible to execute.

To support great ideas that need seed funding, the Because Accelerator hosts pitch events twice a year. Entrepreneurs have the opportunity to pitch their product to the Because Advisor Network and potential investors. The pitch event winner receives a cash prize.

In addition to this seed funding, the Because Accelerator has connected entrepreneurs to hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding through various networking opportunities.

The Because Accelerator helps entrepreneurs think through the various elements of product development and business, from finding the right manufacturer to collecting feedback from customers. While the entrepreneurial journey is unique for everyone, the Because Accelerator helps entrepreneurs avoid pitfalls by sharing the lessons Kenton learned from creating The Shoe That Grows.