600 pairs distributed in Kenya

600 pairs distributed in Kenya

East Africa Distribution Partner Japheth Opondo partnered with Inua Village to Global Foundation to get The Shoe That Grows to kids impacted by poverty. In total, they distributed 600 pairs over the course of just two days!


The first distribution event was at the Furaha Inua Global School in Namunyiri, Kenya. There “we found 370 joyful kids waiting to benefit from The Shoe That Grows,” Japheth shared. Many children at this school had worn out shoes and were happy to receive a durable pair of shoes. The children performed a song and dance after receiving The Shoe That Grows.

Japheth reflected, “the parents and caregivers who came to be part of the distribution were so happy and thankful to Because International and Inua Village to Global Foundation for making this happen.”


Two days later, Japheth traveled to meet 230 children at the Inua Global School in Ebukanga, Kenya. Many children at this school were suffering from jiggers, a parasite that burrows into the skin and can cause serious infection. Jiggers are a prevalent problem in the community, and “every April they normally carry out an ant-ijigger campaign to raise awareness and also treat and fumigate areas that are badly affected.”

Due to problems like jiggers, there are still many more children in these communities who would greatly benefit from the protection of a pair of The Shoe That Grows.

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