Omar Negron Ocasio (Remora)

Omar Negron Ocasio (Remora)

Omar Negron Ocasio is the CEO and founder of Remora, a Puerto Rico-based business producing an innovative, solar-powered water filtration device able to filter any water source except the ocean. Just as impressive as the product itself is Remora’s mission of installing the devices in communities that don’t have access to clean water or government assistance. 

Omar standing next to one of the water filtration devices


The inspiration to launch Remora came in 2017 after Puerto Rico suffered the effects of droughts and Hurricane Maria, leaving one million people without clean water—including Omar. 

“Hurricane Maria destroyed my island and my home,” said Omar. “It was heartbreaking to see everything that I knew as home was gone. For five months straight, we had to form long lines every single day hoping the water truck would arrive.”

One of those days as he stood in line, the idea that sparked Remora struck Omar—what if they could get water from the rivers instead of waiting for the government’s water? 

The inside of Remora’s device


Since founding Remora in 2018, his team has installed five devices across the country, giving 1,500 people access to clean water. By September of 2022, an additional 20 devices will be installed around Puerto Rico. 

Additionally, Remora is starting to work with an organization in Mexico to launch their first international water filtration device.

“I’m excited to go outside of the island and to provide clean water to a single mother’s shelter in Mexico,” said Omar. 

Installing one of the water filtration devices

Installing a device in Mexico is Remora’s first step in a five-year goal of Omar’s—be present in at least 10 Latin American countries. 


In the spring of 2022, Omar joined the Because Accelerator, where he said the most valuable aspect was meeting weekly with his coach, Jason Anderson. Jason said “supporting Remora and Omar’s initiative means bringing clean water to those in need. It’s been an honor working with him through the Because Accelerator program.” 

After completing the 10-week program, Omar competed against other entrepreneurs in the post-cohort pitch competition and won!

“With the pitch competition winnings, we are including a digital front panel on the device that will track the gallons of water filtered and will notify the community if maintenance is needed,” shared Omar.

Remora has been featured on National Geographic in its 2021 series, The Ripple Effect. You can watch the episode on YouTube or Disney+.

The Because Accelerator is a completely free online training and mentorship program for entrepreneurs who have product-focused ideas and business in areas impacted by poverty.