Parents lead by example with Wear-A-Pair

Parents lead by example with Wear-A-Pair

Ty and Melissa Gilmore of Salem, Oregon had a great experience with Wear-A-Pair, a fundraiser for The Shoe That Grows that Because International ran for several years. “We have watched from the sidelines for long enough,” they say, “and feel that God is telling us it is time to get more actively involved.”

The Gilmore family


The couple has two young children—Brooklyn, age nine, and Colton, age five. “We want to show by example to our kids what it means to be the hands and feet of God and doing something good for others.”

When Ty and Melissa learned how The Shoe That Grows supports self-empowerment for kids, they knew they wanted to be a part of it.

“It is so crazy to us when we found out that something like not having a pair of shoes can prevent a kid from the opportunity they deserve to attend school,” they say. “This hit hard for us and was a major motivating factor for us to jump in. Every kid deserves to go to school!”

The Gilmore children walk around in The Shoe That Grows


During the month of April, the Gilmore family will raise funds for innovative products that can help support self-empowerment for refugees.

“We feel the tug on our heart to be involved and that it is our responsibility to be good stewards of the items we’ve been blessed with. This includes our time, energy, finances and relationships.”

If you feel the tug on your heart, too, join The Sole to send The Shoe That Grows to kids and families around the world.