About Us

Our founding story

In 2007, our founder Kenton Lee traveled to Nairobi, Kenya after graduating college.

He lived and worked at a small orphanage with some incredible kids. One day, he was walking down a dusty road with all the kids when he noticed a little girl in a white dress walking next to him. As he looked down at her feet, he was shocked to see how small her shoes were. They were so small that she had to cut open the front of her shoes to let her toes stick out. That was the day that Kenton thought:

What if there was a shoe that could adjust and expand its size?
What if there was a shoe that could grow?

And the idea for The Shoe That Grows was born.

Since Because was founded in 2009, more than 450,000 pairs of The Shoe That Grows have been distributed in 100+ countries and it’s being produced in Kenya, bringing jobs to one of the areas where it's distributed most.

Today, Because is using the learnings from The Shoe That Grows to support and train entrepreneurs who have their own innovative products—helping local leaders create local jobs and elevate their communities.

Our areas of focus

The Shoe That Grows

Supporting entrepreneurship


Images + Logos

Click to download Because International images and logos.

Contact Us


For media inquiries, contact Anna Lee at anna@becauseinternational.org.